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"My work is my letter of dedication to the Creator that gives all good gifts. I am thankful for the spirit of creativity that is power and love."

- Drew Struzan

I've been very passionate about art since I was a little kid trying to "Draw 50 Famous Faces" by Lee J. Ames and later took an interest in illustration and visual story-telling in my adolescence.

For the longest time I wanted to pursue a career in graphic design, but in my early 20s I felt it wasn't a meaningful pursuit. I wanted to create art that was more personal and traditional, and I've spent many years quietly honing my practice and educating myself for the opportunity to finally start a career in art: Sam Palmer Studios.

From sketching, painting, music, literature, sculpting, and video making -- I wanted an avenue to create anything for anybody and be able to support my family.

I believe all Art, fundamentally, is creation and that the very concept of Art was first practiced when, "In the beginning, God created..." and designed an entire universe of undefined features. Even the earth was without definition, form, or function. And in a great wind, His Spirit, "moved upon the face of the waters." Then He commanded, "Let there be light," and, without labor or toil, He radically brought the chaos into order.

Similarly, I also believe artists have a duty to restore order with imagination and creativity and express the wonder, beauty, and meaning of life through the Arts. And that's what I hope to do.

Thank you for visiting and God bless you,

Samuel J. Palmer


While considering what direction I should take and looking over the current landscape of popular art and artists, I’ve found myself meditating on the book of Job; in particular his perception of reality and God that is compromised because of his affliction and trial.

I believe there’s a lesson in this story for many artists whose best efforts fall short and leave them feeling empty and unfulfilled.

Ezer Kenegdo

And the Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make him a help (‘EZER) against him (K’NEGDO).”

Genesis 2:18

“Modern man has both feet firmly planted in mid-air.”

- Francis Schaeffer

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